April 3, 2010

Uh-Oh, Charity!

For those of you out there that are wondering what this is all about, Charity and I just lost our bet against our husbands.
We got this balloon on Tuesday, January 26 (I remember because it was when we went to spend a gift card for Brooklynn's birthday) and it has been up near the ceiling until recently. It's actually been playing with my emotions lately and going down, then back up, and creeping all over the place. It's been a fun but weird topic of conversation at our place lately. Sad to say I think it's officially down.
When James and Charity came out to visit Charity sided with me and said that it would stay up until AFTER Florida and James sided with Josh and said it wouldn't last that long. Too bad for the guys that they didn't put any terms on the bet.

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