September 22, 2010

Brooklynn's First Hair Cut

I finally broke down and gave Brooklynn a haircut...I was letting it grow out but the top was so ridiculously longer than the bottom layer. I just HAD to even it out. Plus it was starting to break and have split ends. Now she looks so cute and like a little girl, but she also has hair that it even. SO much better. It really was driving me nuts. Josh was hesitant about me cutting it but even he says that it looks better now. (By the way, for those of you who are wondering, yes, the final length is the same as the bottom layer started just never grew that fast after she was born. If you look at the before shots, that is how different the top layer was from the bottom.)

1 comment:

Charity said...

Very cute Brooklynn! Andrew has his first haircut scheduled for this friday. I hope he sits as good as you did.