Yesterday we went for a walk with my friend Emily. When we got there it was SO hot, so I stripped Gabby down to just a diaper before putting her in the Moby Wrap...and she has been an angel ever since...I think the key is that I haven't put any clothes back on her since yesterday afternoon. That's 24 hours, people. 

I don't want to jump the gun, but back when Gabby was really little, she was in just a diaper most of the time, too...mainly to help with her jaundice. They say that Colic really develops around 2 weeks (when her jaundice was gone and we were putting her into clothes) peeks around 6 weeks and stops, somewhat dramatically, around 3-4 months. I'm hoping I can just keep her in a diaper and hers will maybe stop around 2 months? Maybe it wasn't even "Colic" this whole time? Who knows? (I can only hope.) But seriously, last night at dinner she stayed and even FELL ASLEEP in her bouncy chair. And then today she played in her pack & play for a little while...without crying...and actually being happy! And then this afternoon she actually stayed on her little floor gym for more than 10 minutes! It was maybe 20 minutes, even! Right now...she's asleep. IN HER BOUNCY CHAIR. I can hardly believe it. Last week we were excited because she was just starting to let us put her down for maybe 10 minutes at a time before she would scream. The rest of the day she would sleep in the wrap, and her waking hours I would either be feeding her or we would be bouncing her to try and get her to stop crying.
Now, I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Um, Bethany? Did you try and see if she was too hot the first time she was crying?" Of course I did, silly. I don't think it was a temperature issue, that kid just loves to be naked. If she had her TRUE wish she wouldn't even have a diaper on, but then I'd have two kids making spreading poop all over the place, now wouldn't I?
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