April 16, 2010


Brooke slept a total of 15 minutes on both of our 2 1/2 hour flights. She fought it the whole way down and finally succumbed near the end, and on the way home managed to stay awake the entire time. She wasn't screaming or anything, just very active. There is a reason why families are given such royal treatment on airlines and it's because it is not relaxing whatsoever to fly with kids, even when they are quiet. I am very thankful she wasn't one of the screaming babies on the plane, but even still, you are worried the whole time that it will change to that in an instant. It is tricky to keep a 1-year-old still anywhere, let along in a confined area when there are several hundred strangers around.
Brooklynn was very excited about the airplanes, and when we were on the airplane taught herself how to say "airplane" and continued to say it every time she heard an airplane for the rest of the week. It was adorable. I think technically it counts as her first word, other than "Mommy" or "Daddy" that we have recognized and said repeatedly. Sure, she's said other words, but only once and I think they were a fluke.

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