December 23, 2009


Brooklynn has Croup. It really sucks. I know Croup sucks, I had no idea how much it sucked. I knew it was hard to breathe, and the waking up with the Croup spells where you have to take them in the bathroom with the hot shower running...what I didn't expect was for Brooke to start coughing and crying and then start gagging/choking/barfing her phlem. The first time I was in such a panic it shot me out of bed and I've been awake ever since...wide awake, too. Anyone who knows me knows that I am simply NOT a morning person. So you know it's bad. She sortof had these whole body convulsions that reminded me of a cat when it's couging up a fur ball. I've never seen a human do that. So it was pretty weird. She kept falling back asleep, but kept coughing/waking up. It's been rough. Not even the lack of sleep part. I'm handling that pretty well. It's more the heart-wrenching ache of not knowing what to do and feeling completely helpless for your poor baby. It sucks.
So Brooke hasn't even really been sick before. She's had a couple of minor runny noses, but they didn't last long and the were pretty much gone the next day. So we jump right into the world of sickness with CROUP? Are you kidding me?
So we're driving to Indiana today for Christmas. And my daughter has Croup. And I have no idea how she's going to do in the car. We can't plug our humidifier in the car so that is out. Luckily another option is the cold air outside which's cold out. And of course the Doctor told me to have her drink lots of fluids...which since Brooke quit nursing cold turkey isn't the easiest thing to do. She's barely been having any wet diapers, and for Brooke is a scary thing. I usually change her 8 times a day, like clockwork. So many of her diapers are bone dry, and I'm not even changing her that much. She might have had 2 or 3 wet diapers yesterday? It's scary. I'm going to try not even really giving her any solids so that when she's hungry I can just give her more fluids.
On a positive note; travel time MIGHT be easier because I can give her a cup while we're driving and not have to stop as long to nurse. Also, her nursing strike might, just might be linked to this Croup and not just because she's done. And, today Brooke is 11 months old! It's so sad that she is sick. I'm really hoping and praying that this is over soon. Maybe even in time for Christmas? Fingers crossed...

1 comment:

Charity said...

Oh...if only I could attach links to the many posts of Adeline and her sicknesses. There is nothing worse than watching a child throw up.....or when Adeline had her siezure. I've been there and know it's hard. Praying for Brooke and for you. We love you!