February 20, 2010

Brooklynn's Road to Walking

Brooklynn is officially walking. She has a little trouble standing up from the ground still, but she does really well! Here is a look at the journey of learning to walk.

First she learned how to stand by holding onto her crib

And onto Sadie's toy stage that she loves

Then she learned how to "cruise"

She finally took some steps on her own here, but still usually preferred to "cruise"

Getting a little more sure of herself

We had to resort to bribing her with M&Ms and her cup or bottle

Finally we moved the couches away from each other because she loves to use them for support, this helped her be able to practice more

Sometimes we call Brooklynn "Frankenstein" (this isn't really a development in the walking, just a funny video of how she grunts and holds her arms like Frankenstein)

And here she is walking! She likes to see how long she can go before she falls. Then she'll crawl over to the nearest chair, couch or Mommy to help herself back up and try again. We do this all day.


Charity said...

That is AWESOME!!!! Good job Brooke!!!! I can't wait to chase you in Florida!

ffgffff (Andrew says good job too)

julie said...

yahoo!!!! we're so proud of you, brooke!! :) :)