October 6, 2010

Brooklynn's Box

Brooklynn got a HUGE box in the mail with all of Adeline's hand-me-downs. (Thanks to Jacob for mailing it for us...we didn't have room to take them on the plane with us unless we wanted to pay another $30.) Ever since then Brooklynn has been playing in this box. It looks ugly but I feel bad throwing it away. She can even say "box" now and then she goes through all her other words associated with it, "bye-bye, Meme, Boo....etc." We might be decorating this box so it doesn't look as ugly so we can keep it. It's not every day we get a box this big in the mail. Thanks again to Adeline for letting us borrow your clothes and to Jacob for mailing it for us! We were really excited when we got it! The UPS guy even carried it all the way up to our apartment. I think he took pity on me b/c I am pregnant.
Shortly after that we got ANOTHER box with Mia & Marisa's hand-me-downs. This was a Pampers box and it had pictures of babies on it...Brooklynn got really excited and kept saying "baby!" She went from one box to the other with her babies. I think she was pretending that the Pampers box was more like their "crib" and the bigger box was like their house or something.
Thanks to everyone for letting us use your clothes! Brooklynn's drawers are now full and she is really liking picking out new clothes to wear every day. And they fit better over her head.

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