January 6, 2011

Game Time!

We love game time in our family! And it's always fun to play games when we're back home in Michigan or Indiana.
We played several riveting games of Jenga.

And of course we played "Bean Charades!"
This video of Josh's Dad is hysterical playing "Speed Bean Charades"

And the debut of "Bean Charades Jr!" We made this for the nieces and nephews this year. Mia and Marisa were so excited to get to play with us and not have to have us make up clues for them. Some of them were still pretty hard but they still did great! (Bean Charades has the clue and also a picture of the clue)

And of course we played "Things" which we love. This year we made up our own clues which was pretty funny, and then I got my own copy of the game for Christmas! I'm so excited! Thanks, Andi!

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