March 25, 2011

Sickie Brookie

I HATE it when Brooke gets sick. Hate is a strong word. And I HATE it when Brooke gets sick. She looks so pitiful. She won't take medicine. This scares me because her fever gets so high. She won't eat or drink ANYTHING. Not even cookies. (yes, I offered her cookies out of desperation.) Here she is on Wednesday with a 103 temperature. That is why she is topless. I was trying everything to try and bring her temp down. FINALLY after about 3 hours she took some medicine. YAY! And she got better enough to walk across the room, and lie down on the floor. I had to pick her up and put her back on the couch. All day she would drift off to sleep. Poor baby. Finally her fever broke close to bedtime and she seemed like herself again. But don't worry, she was back up around midnight and we brought her in bed with us. Josh left and went in her room around 3 am because she was kicking and so so restless. So he missed the 3-8 am performance of even more kicking and thrashing around. Sometimes even crying really loudly saying, "owe, owe!" 
She was a wreck.

Yesterday (Thursday) was a lot better. She had less of a fever in the morning and I snuck some medicine into her orange juice. She drank a little bit. I had gone to the store and bought some special things that she likes like juice boxes, sprite, popsicles...etc. She even stayed awake all morning (still on the couch watching "princess") and then slept in her room for a nap. Josh surprised us and came home from work around 4 to help. So wonderful. I gave her a bath last night which I think really helped her feel a lot better. (And wash the all the snot off of her.)
Today she's been even better. I didn't think she even had a fever in the morning. (But then I took it and it was 101...I think I might be feverish, too, so it's throwing off my whole gauge.) I had to put medicine in her juice again and by lunch time she was walking around, playing...pushing her car around. I think she's doing much better, although still pretty sick. 
So we're hanging in there but really praying hard that poor Gabby doesn't get it, too.
I tried to disguise some chew-able medicine...she ate everything, including the medicine. But then she spit the medicine back into the cup.


Suzy said...

So pitiful!! *sniff* :(

Julie said...

Poor Brooke! I hope she's feeling better! I laughed at your comment about her not even eating cookies. Owen has been sick lately too, and I was thrilled the other day when he ate a whole Reese's Peanut Butter Easter Egg! He really wasn't eating much at all, so it was great to get some calories in him! (and really, peanut butter is healthy, right?)